From the Mom of CRD’s first patient: Thank You

Hi, my name is Linda, and my son Terry has Duchenne muscular dystrophy. When we found out Terry had this disease, our world just dropped from underneath us. That fear was always in the pit of your stomach, you dreaded birthdays. It was very, very difficult.

But my son Richard, who founded Cure Rare Disease, gave us hope. He gave us the hope that Terry will have a very good life, and because of that, we are ecstatic. We are thrilled to know that in the early part of 2021, Terry, through CRISPR technology, will receive his first dose. All this is possible because my son founded Cure Rare Disease, and so many people supported him, believed in him, and helped him. Without all the help from everyone, this would not be happening for Terry. We are truly, truly grateful for everyone: everyone who has gifted their knowledge, made donations, dedicated their time. We are truly, truly grateful.

And Rich, we want you to know how much we love you and are so very proud of you. You and Terry are the pot of gold at the end of our rainbow. We love you both so much.